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Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
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From NK Cell Biology to a Career in Breakthrough Science with Lewis Lanier, PhD

For more than three decades, Dr. Lewis Lanier, PhD, has researched the immune system’s natural killer (NK) cell space. In our first episode of From Bench to FiresideTM PICI Chief Scientific Officer John Connolly, PhD, taps into the wisdom of Dr. Lanier, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at University of California, San Francisco and former Center Director for the PICI Center at UCSF.

As Founding Director of UCSF’s Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy Center, Dr. Lanier instilled a culture of innovation and collaboration focused on supporting early career investigators. His work training generations of prominent scientists helped progress the field of cancer immunotherapy. His vision continues to inspire PICI’s mission.

During the discussion, Dr. Lanier shares insights and discusses key innovations in NK cell biology that could improve cell therapy. He reflects on PICI’s mission, as well as lessons learned working in both academia and industry. He also describes how cultivating collaborations has advanced the field.

Get ready to go from bench to fireside for a candid conversation with cancer research veteran Dr. Lewis Lanier.

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